Episode 13: Men Play Doubles
It started off Ryoma and Momoshiro still arguing each other about who gets to hit the ball.
They are still on each other's cases about hogging the ball. Things doesn't look to good for Seigaku Doubles 2. Not only they aren't in sync with each other but they're on each others' throats. This went on until the 2nd half of the game wherein they're on each others' cases in front of Coach Ryuuzaki. Suddenly the Doubles player of Gyokurin strode off on front of them commenting "It was easy! easy!". Coach Ryuuzaki just laughed it off thinking that their bait wouldn't anger the two boys but when she looked at Ryoma and Momoshiro, she knew how wrong she was.
They were riled up by the comments thrown at them. The break ended and they were on the court again. It was Momoshiro's turn to serve. Momoshiro was so angry because the Gyokurin pair were smirking at them from the other side of the court. He prepared to serve with all his strength until he hit the ball and went directly hitting Ryoma at the back of his head which resulted into a fault. Ryoma shrugged it off but he was annoyed as well.
The game commences.
It was looking good since they're rallying well, up until Ryoma decided to pin-point the opponents' blind spot but as he hit the ball towards the blind spot, Momoshiro walked directly into the ball's path, thus, smacking him effectively at the back of his head. He turned to look at Ryoma but Ryoma just pulled his cap down to hide his embarrassment. They both decided they couldn't play like this.
They finally came up to some kind of solution and that is to divide the court to two vertically. This way, there wouldn't be any confusion as to who would be hitting which ball. The Gyokurin pair were confused as to what they're doing and thought that it wouldn't work against them and their Doubles Approach. How wrong they were! Ryoma and Momoshiro turned their Doubles into a Singles-type of play because of their strategy.
Finally, there weren't any confusion and they were able to concentrate on their own plays. The Seigaku spectators were having fun already and cheering for them. Ryoma and Momoshiro were able to rally against the Gyokurin well and weren't missing any balls. Ryoma then found some weak points of the Gyokurin pair and pin-pointed those spots well.
Finally, both came to their senses and gave Seigaku pride. Gyokurin pair wouldn't go down without a fight so they thought of a way to confuse Momoshiro and Ryoma once more as to who would hit the ball, and Izumi thought of a plan and that is to hit the ball towards the line Momoshiro and Ryoma drew, because it was a neutral territory. How wrong they were again!
At that, Ryoma and Momoshiro commenced on their "Ah Un" strategy and it includes that embarrassing shouting once more, but still, effectively hitting the ball. This led to a Game and Match set to Seigaku. Gyokurin Doubles 2 lost their game but they weren't too bitter about it. They even invited Momoshiro and Ryoma to play again at the Street Tennis Courts as Doubles.
After that game, Coach Ryuuzaki punished them by worrying those who were on Seigaku's bench and told them that they played selfishly. Thus, resulted to being punished with kneeling on the ground the entire time they play Gyokurin. At this, Ryoma and Momoshiro swear never to play Doubles again. At least, with each other as a partner.
The rest of the games were played. Doubles 1 were played by Seigaku's Golden Pair (Oishi and Kikumaru) resulting to a 6 - 0 game. Singles 3 by Kaidoh which resulted to a 6 - 0 game to Kaido and at the very last, Fuji-senpai as Singles 1 with 6 - 0 game to Fuji. Therefore, Seigaku won 5 - 0 games. The spectators thought that it would be Kakinoki and Seigaku at the Final round of the Regionals. Kuki, Kakinoki's captain even went as far as to taunt Tezuka about his shoulder which was rumored to be injured therefore it was the reason he didn't play against Gyokurin.
Anyway, before Kakinoki play Seigaku, they must defeat an unseeded team which was Fudoumine. Surprisingly Kakinoki lost to the unseeded team. Another problem looms over Seigaku, Fudoumine was strong for an unseeded team.