Episode 15: Their Respective Fights (Sorezore no Tatakai)
Of course, Fuji aka Prodigy wouldn't let this fight end like they didn't fought at all even if their opponents are really good.
So off he go and let out a Tsubame Gaeshi or Swallow Return which is the kind of ball which makes most of the twists on a ball and return it with an intense spin which didn't made it bounce like it should be doing, instead, made it crawl along the ground making it irreturnable. The Fudoumine players were in awe and shocked. They now knew that the "Tensai" which was tagged along the name Fuji Syuusuke isn't just a title, it's for real. Now, Fudoumine decided it's time to get serious since they've reached a breakpoint for Seigaku. Ishida motioned to Tachibana if he can use "it". Tachibana contemplates for a while, then gave a signal to Ishida that he could use it but only once since "it" can damage his wrist if used one too many times.
Ishida asked Sakurai to move over and give him a clear lane for him to be able to use "it". Kawamura hit a shot as if on cue directly at Ishida who took position for his ultimate move. His ultimate shot turned out to be Hadoukyuu which is a very strong shot which uses all the player's wrists and arm power. Fuji turned to return that incredible shot but with his small arms and frame, he wouldn't be able to, Kawamura thought so too, so at the last second he took the shot for Fuji to save him, although, his own wrist was damaged because of this. Ishida was shocked that Kawamura was able to return his Hadoukyuu and he took position to hit another Hadoukyuu, not knowing that Kawamura already damaged his wrist.
Tachibana tensed and was very worried for Ishida's well-being, and wondered how would his wrist be. Ishida took position and hit the ball. Well, he tried to hit it, but the ball went through his racket. His gut was torn. He couldn't play tennis with a racket like this. All the Fudoumine members on the bench were quite relieved. However, as Kawamura took position to serve, he was stopped by Fuji by holding onto his wrist which prompted Kawamura to go "Itai!!" (Ouch). Some of his wrist bones cracked a little or were very strained at the least. Fuji turned to the referee and told him that they'll be forfeiting the game.
It's now Doubles 1. It's now Golden Pair's turn to shine and take the spotlight. They were against Uchimura - Mori pair. However, Uchimura's nickname Front Killer didn't work for him during this game, Eiji Kikumaru, the resident acrobatic player of Seigaku overcame Uchimura's tactics.
They weren't called Seigaku's Golden Pair for nothing. While Kikumaru concentrated on flinging attacks, Oishi is his support at the back giving them a good defense. At this, Ryoma stood up the bench and walked out of the court saying that he'll be getting something to drink. After a while, Inui told Kaidoh to warm up since it's his turn after Doubles 1 and while he's at it, it would be best if he would bring Echizen back.
Inui told Kaidoh that Echizen is probably roaming around somewhere and it's his responsibility as a senpai to look over his lower-class men.
As Kaidoh went to look for Echizen, he heard some commotion not very far from where he's standing. He caught some words like "Kamio" and "Fudoumine" and they worked like magic. Kaidoh turned to walk towards the commotion and saw none other than Echizen at the back of the commotion watching whatever was happening. The commotion was caused by Kamio and Shinji, two Fudoumine members who will be playing Singles 3 and Singles 2 respectively. Kamio and Shinji used 2 balls to hit each either simultaneously and it seemed really difficult too (see video clip). Kaidoh was about to reprimand Echizen when he heard Kamio and Shinji talking about how their matches wouldn't even reach Singles 1 because they'll be defeating Singles 2 & 3.
Kaido was enraged and turned to walk towards the two but stopped when he saw Echizen walk in the middle of Fudoumine's practice, still hitting the balls that came his way as he passed through.
Kamio and Shinji stopped their practice and stared in shock at the person who just stepped through their practice and managed to hit the balls back to them, not messing up their rhythm.
Ryoma went "Mada Made da ne" and he enraged Kamio which prompted Kaidoh to respond in kind, he went "Do you have a problem with our freshman?". Echizen was surprised to see Kaidoh there and even protecting him (somehow). The girl who was watching the whole exchange went up to them (she's familiar to you by now) and told Kamio and Shinji to go back to the court and went away from Kaido and Echizen after excusing herself, but not before telling Echizen and Kaidoh that Kamio is very good in tennis and that Shinji is equivalent to Fuji when it comes to tennis' sense.
Ryoma walked towards the court and saw Shinji on the side. He made eye contact with him all the while, thinking, "He's got tennis sense like Fuji". There goes another challenge.