Episode 20: Time Limit
The game started where it left off. Echizen used his Twist Serve once again and got a no-touch ace. Shinji was baffled by the speed of Ryoma's twist serve. Fudoumine members were also amazed that Ryoma's power hadn't decreased a bit, if anything, it increased.
But of course, Shinji wouldn't let Ryoma get away. He uses topspins and slices alternatively and uses his technique once more. This way, he got points off Ryoma. Still, Ryoma doesn't understand Shinji's technique, but right now, Ryoma doesn't have the luxury to be an idle thinker.
He must understand now the secret behind the technique Shinji uses that numbs his arm for a second. Finally, it was Inui to notice the cause of Ryoma's numbness, the reason is the topspins and slices. When used alternately, the backhand and forehand of the player receiving it would have somewhat a shock and be numbed for a second.
Also, almost simultaneously with Inui, Ryoma suddenly gets it! Finally! He now told Shinji that he really doesn't like the way his shots were going up and down. He's now thinking how to seal that technique. All of a sudden, it dawned to Ryoma the weaknesses of the numb state or also called, "Spot".
He calls out to Shinji that he discovers 2 weaknesses of his technique.
Upon hearing Ryoma announce that he discovered 2 of his technique's weaknesses, Shinji gave a slight stumble but quickly hit Ryoma with a topspin. Ryoma ran towards the ball and switched his hand from left to right and simultaneously asking Shinji, "Have you played against a person using Nitouryuu?". That was his technique's first weakness. Even if you alternate between topspins and slices and your opponent also switches hands alternately too, it wouldn't work.
As the match continues, Shinji wasn't able to hit topspins because Ryoma's hitting him very low shots and that was his technique's 2nd weakness. At last, the 10 minute limit Tezuka gave Ryoma for his match is alreayd drawing close, only half a minute remains. Ryoma must think of a way to win this game.
Suddenly, Shinji lobbed the ball, Ryoma took this opportunity and disguised his reverse-spin shot with a smash-like pose. This shot determined the game because Shinji couldn't do a thing as the ball flew towards his face, he just caught the ball with his left hand. Ryoma asked his team mates if he made it. They all gave him a thumbs-up. He did it with only 2 seconds remaining!
That determines the winner for the Tokyo District Selection and it's Seigaku! It's 1-3 games to Seigaku against Fudoumine. As the two teams faced each other between the court, Fudoumine's Ishida asked Kawamura about his arm.
Kawamura just shrugged and told him that it's fine and it's not Ishida's fault. Kamio's still pestering Kaido with his "mamushi" remarks. Shinji also apologized to Ryoma about his eyelid, although, it wasn't his fault anyway. Tachibana stepped up to Tezuka and told him that they don't plan on losing to the same team they've lost before, Tezuka just told him that they'll meet again to the Provincial competition.
Right after the match, Ryoma went to the hospital to get his eyes checked and on his way out of the hospital, Coach Ryuzaki dragged him to a Sushi bar to celebrate (It's Kawamura's father's Sushi Bar), all Seigaku Tennis members along with Pro Tennis Monthly journalists (Inoue and Shiba) were there to celebrate with them.
After a while, Ryoma decided to go home and told his father that he got injured during a match, and when Ryoma faced his dad, Nanjiroh just laughed out loud when he saw the writings on Ryoma's eye-patch.