Episode 27: Karupin's Adventure
The episode started with Ryoma waking up one bright morning only to find that his breakfast isn't to his liking. (He likes Japanese food although his mother prepared him Western food). Karupin woke up with him and took her favorite toy. Nanako commented to Ryoma how Karupin loves that toy he gave her since Ryoma bought it for her.
Ryoma just shrugged while Nanako called Karupin and fixed Karupin's breakfast. Opening his notebook, Ryoma studied English since they're supposedly having a test about it first thing in the morning. Nanako asked him why's he studying when it's his best subject?
Ryoma just told her that English is so easy and it would be embarrassing if he makes a stupid mistake. Ryoma looked at the clock and realized that he's going to be late. He threw his notebook on his bag incidentally bringing the cat's toy with it inside without Ryoma noticing, although Karupin noticed and ran after Ryoma as he was going to school.
Ryoma reached school without further incident. Horio came up to him complaining about their upcoming English exam. As Ryoma opened his bag, he let out a gasp. Karupin's toy was with him all the while! that's the reason why he saw Karupin following him.
Horio just interpreted Ryoma's gasp of surprise as a kind of worry that he also didn't study and worrying about their English exam. Anyway, as their exam started Ryoma was writing answers on his paper thinking that it was just too easy, his eyes darted towards the window and saw: Karupin walking on their school grounds! He stood up abruptly and caught everyone's attention. Their teacher is surprised that Ryoma's already on the last question when he walked up to him and looked at his paper.
Meanwhile, Fuji and Eiji were in their class, Fuji appeared not listening and just staring outside their window. Fuji smiled when he saw a cat lodged on a tree beside his window. He turned to Eiji who's also not paying attention and asked him if he's ever seen a Spotted Himalayan cat. Eiji was about to answer when their professor called on him. :)
Anyway, we'll also see that Tezuka-buchou is also uptight during his classes. Even his professor (see picture) is seriously afraid to cross Tezuka. :) This scene is uber funny, Tezuka stood up in class, strode over to their professor (who's visibly terrified), and Tezuka told his professor that there's just something wrong in his formula on line 3! :)
Karupin, meanwhile, is still walking throughout the school and now reached the rooftop. Karupin, walked out the rooftop door as a strong wind blew by and shut the door. Karupin is now trapped on the roof top! :)
Anyway, as Karupin remain trapped on the rooftop, the scene shifted to the Tennis regular's habits when they're in class. We'll see Kaidoh-senpai's unique eating habits and unique lunch box too, Momoshiro's habit of eating during classes... etc.
Karupin is still trapped on the rooftop, however, as the lunch break rolls by. Karupin wakes up to a noise which is some random girls opening the door to the rooftop to eat. Karupin takes this opportunity to ran towards the door and roam the school once more. Ryoma is still searching the school for her while eating his stolen food from Momoshiro.
Before tennis practice Momoshiro found Ryoma sulking in a corner holding some cat's toy. Momoshiro asked Ryoma what's wrong. Ryoma just sighed and questioned Momoshiro back with a "why"?. Momoshiro told Ryoma that even Horio and the others noticed his peculiar behaviour that afternoon.
Ryoma just stopped for a second before answering Momoshiro that his cat is missing and that he supposed she followed him to school but that's impossible since it's a long way from their house. Momoshiro suddenly gasped and told Ryoma that some of his classmates told him that there was a tanuki (raccoon) on the roof top when they went to have lunch there, Momoshiro laughed almost to himself telling Ryoma that his cat isn't a tanuki.
As Momoshiro turned to Ryoma, he saw that Ryoma was shocked and was holding the cat's toy quite firmly. Momoshiro smiled and handed Ryoma his keys to his bicycle (I'm assuming it's for the bicycle's chains, mind you) and told him to look for his cat but he's to return early. Ryoma gratefully took the keys and thanked Momo-senpai. Momoshiro, in turn, told Coach Ryuzaki and Tezuka-buchou that Ryoma's not going to be able to attend practice since there's a celebration on his relatives.
Coach Ryuzaki sighed and told Momoshiro that Ryoma should've just told her because they would be dismissed early for the Provincial's tomorrow. Anyway, it turned out to be that Karupin is only on the tennis club's locker room's roof. Karupin then hopped down from there and entered the locker room only to find no Ryoma but her cat's toy! All of a sudden,
Kaidoh entered the room grumbling about the person who's supposedly left the door open and he saw Karupin reaching out for her toy above Ryoma's bag.
We will now see that our Mamushi has a soft spot for cute cats! Kaidoh played with Karupin, no less!
As the freshmen talk with each other about Kaidoh being late for practice. Inui told them that it would be about 20 laps for Kaidoh's lateness, when Kaidoh appeared with some redness on his cheeks! Kaidoh greeted his senpai (Inui) with a monotonous voice but as he walked on, Inui commented to the first years that Kaidoh's in a good mood which shocked them because Inui could tell the difference?!
The tennis practice's already finished and there seems to be a commotion on their locker room. Momoshiro ran up to the source of commotion and saw a cat! It was Karupin. He took the sleeping Karupin and now make his way (with Tezuka, Oishi and along the way, they meet up with Eiji) to Ryoma's house. Ryoma in the meanwhile is still searching for Karupin with Nanako inside their home.
As they found no Karupin in sight, Ryoma decided that he'll head back to school and search for him there, but as he open the door, he saw Momoshiro, Tezuka, Oishi and Eiji standing there. Ryoma turned to close the door on them once more, but Momoshiro stopped him showing him Karupin who's inside his clothes. Now, we will see a rare treat that is: Ryoma looking quite teary-eyed.
Ryoma turned to look at Momoshiro (after Karupin jumped back to him and Tezuka, Oishi & Eiji left giving their regards to Ryoma's relatives which earned a laugh from Momo-senpai and a confused face from Ryoma) and asked for a match as a form of repayment for what he did. Momo-senpai agreed happily.