Episode 32: Super Move! Eiji's "Pretend to Sleep" Attack!?
Now that Oishi's special move is out in the open, he didn't hesitate to use it over and over again to cover for Kikumaru. Since Akazawa is still concentrated on crushing Kikumaru more than actually defeating Oishi. Mizuki's now getting agitated by what he's seeing. For him, it's unacceptable that Akazawa's performing like this when he warned them all about Oishi's Moon Volley before the match.
However, before Akazawa and his partner, Kaneda could do anything about Oishi's Moon Volley, another problem came up. It was now Oishi's turn to serve and they're in a peculiar formation. Usually, the formation used in doubles is diagonal to each partner, but Oishi and Kikumaru's almost aligned with each other!
St. Rudolph pair couldn't understand why they're doing this formation since they would be leaving both of their sides wide open for any attack. As Oishi served, Akazawa hit the ball to the left since he saw Kikumaru moving towards the right. He was taken by surprise when Oishi appeared and hit the ball he hit towards the open area.
Now, everyone knows what formation the Golden Pair's using. It's called Australian Formation. It's very difficult since you really have to be in sync with your partner. Akazawa is now getting confused as to where Kikumaru's moving next making him agitated and angry at himself that after they lost another point he screamed right there in the middle of everyone.
Oishi and Kikumaru seemed shocked and disrupted in their pace. It's not usual to see a player having some kind of tantrum in the middle of a match.
Mizuki just continued on watching the game as if nothing had happened. Although, he's twirling his hair in annoyance earlier.
After some time, Kaneda walked up to his captain and blurted out his woes to him. Lecturing him that they're playing doubles and their opponent is attacking them as doubles. He told his captain, Akazawa, that he should just stop acting selfish as if he's playing a Singles game.
The crowd were shocked to see the quiet player being that angry. This lead to Akazawa being really angry at Kaneda and asking him why is he undermining his own captain. Anyway, Kaneda observed that there's some kind of weakness in the Golden Pair's formation and he exploited it by lobbing the ball right right beside the furthest line which is very open. Akazawa is very pleased now. He immediately forgot his anger and for the first time during the game, they played as real doubles.
It's now the second half of the game. Oishi noticed that Kikumaru's lost a lot of vitality (due to the blurring balls Akazawa's still hitting him) and gave him lots of fluids to drink. The referee called to the players to go inside the court and resume the play. Oishi started to walk towards the court when the referee called out again to Seigaku. Oishi turned and saw Kikumaru unmoving on his seat. It seems that Kikumaru's lost all his stamina. Still he managed to go walk unsteadily back to the court.
Ryoma, however, walked out the venue of the match and proceeded to sit under a tree where Fudomine players: Tachibana and Shinji, saw him and asked him if the match is finished. Ryoma just replied no. Suddenly Kamio appeared from nowhere and told Tachibana and Shinji that Seigaku's Golden Pair's being crushed.
Kamio's right. Golden Pair is being crushed. With Kikumaru unmoving on the court (he appeared to be sleeping while standing) and Oishi trying to return all the balls Akazawa and Kaneda hit them with. It's now match point for St. Rudolph. Things look bad since Kikumaru's still unmoving. Suddenly, Oishi lobbed the ball which Akazawa hit with a jumping smash. It seemed that it's the end of Seigaku's doubles 1 when Kikumaru suddenly wakes up and chased the ball hitting it back to St. Rudolph which they couldn't return.
It seemed that Kikumaru's fully revitalized now. Kikumaru's technique of "Pretending to Sleep" worked like a miracle. Oishi told him that he was worried that Kikumaru wouldn't make it, but now, things as looking up for Seigaku once more.