Episode 43: Lucky Sengoku
It's now time for the All-Japan Junior player Sengoku turn to play his game. It's against Momoshiro. At first, Momoshiro was put off by Sengoku's attitude but before long. He forgot about it and concentrated on his game.
The first part of the set, Momoshiro dominated by using his fast serves and Dunk Smash. Sengoku just didn't move and continued on smiling. Coach Ryuzaki was worried when she saw Yamabuki's coach's smiling even though, Momoshiro's clearly dominating the set.
Suddenly, out of the blue, Sengoku called from a time out since he would be changing his racket to a more tight one. After changing the racket, he called Momoshiro "Omoshiro" since he's "funny" and that they would be continuing their game. As the match goes on, Sengoku let out a Dunk Smash that Momoshiro couldn't return. He was now pyschologically defeated by Sengoku's Dunk Smash.
Momoshiro was really put off by Sengoku's quiet arrogance. Inui told the other regular players that Sengoku could return all fast balls Momoshiro kept hitting him since he has the talent to see fast-moving objects like Kikumaru and Ryoma. It now seemed as if Momoshiro's in a tight pinch.
It's now Sengoku's turn to serve. Sengoku threw the ball very high and jumped to hit it, much like a smash but different a bit. They call Sengoku's serve "Kouho". It's a very difficult serve to return. Momoshiro couldn't even return it.
It went on like that, Sengoku's dominating the game. When everyone thinks that it's the end of Momoshiro, he suddenly returned one of Sengoku's Kouho to the surprise of everyone. Momoshiro just smirked to Sengoku and told Ryoma to get his "game racket" out, clearly mocking Sengoku.
Things were looking very bright for Momoshiro when Coach Ryuzaki and Ryoma noticed something. It was then they saw Momoshiro limping! Clearly, his right foot which was previously sprained was cramping. Momoshiro noticed that Coach Ryuzaki noticed and he motioned her to keep quiet about it.
But of course, you couldn't keep something hidden for long, after a while, Sengoku noticed Momoshiro's limp and thought to himself that he's really Lucky that day. Although he scolded himself afterwards that he shouldn't rejoice to the misfortune of others.
Just as everything seemed so bleak, Momoshiro remembered what Tezuka told him during the regulars practice, Tezuka told him to stop covering for his right foot and he still got his left foot. Momoshiro got this strange glint on his eyes, telling everyone that he's going to do something unexpected about this. As Sengoku served a kouho, Momoshiro attempted to return it.. but this time, his return was different.