Episode 52: Seigaku's Biggest Crisis!
The match of Tezuka and Inui continues. Everyone was shocked last time by the shot Tezuka shown them. Oishi kept asking everyone what happened but no one could give the answer, finally, he asked Kawamura, who just stuttered, "Tezuka, what did you do?".
Still baffled, Oishi continued on watching the match, he thought he finally got the answer for Tezuka's shot only to be corrected by Inoue, he made everyone look at the feet of Tezuka, only then they've noticed that each time Inui hit the ball, it all came back to Tezuka without Tezuka moving from his place.
As they've watched the game, they've seen that, indeed, Tezuka wasn't moving from his place, he's just moving and rotating himself, using one of his foot as his pivot point! Shiba told Inoue that she thinks that she's already seen that technique (and we have already seen it too!)
Inoue nodded to her saying that Nanjiroh used that technique to him when they've played a match. Anyway, Fuji contemplated that what they're seeing now is the completed Tezuka Zone and if Tezuka's already using that technique, it only means that Tezuka's already serious about this match.
Everyone were in awe with what they were witnessing. Inui made Tezuka go serious and everyone now saw just how a great tennis player their Captain Tezuka really is. To add to the excitement, Tezuka even used his Zero-Shiki Drop Shot against Inui. So undeniably, Tezuka won the match, although, the score itself wasn't shown.
It's been three day after the intra-school ranking competition. Momoshiro didn't attend club practice on those past 3 days. Everyone was worried. Anyway, the first years were eating with Ryoma when they've breached the subject of Momo-senpai.
Horio deduced that maybe Momoshiro has resigned from the club since he left his regular jersey in the locker room. They've asked Ryoma what he's thinking about Momo-senpai and if he's worried at all. Ryoma was completely nonchalant about it and told them that no one knows when Momo-senpai would return,
maybe it would be sooner or later. At that, Ryoma finished his food and got up from the table. As he left, Oishi scolded the first years from being such big gossips, then he left forgiving the first years after they've apologized for their behaviour. Horio commented that it was a good thing that only Oishi heard them because if it was Kaido-senpai........ suddenly Kaido appeared, making them run for their lives.
Anyway, Ryoma went to the rooftop before their club meeting start just to relax for a bit, as he lay down on the rooftop, he suddenly felt an urge to get up from his position and look down below the rooftop, which he did (he wasn't one to neglect his intuition XD).
Good thing that he did follow his intuition since what he saw made his curiousity peak. He leant more closely towards the wire railings to get a better view of the person he was seeing on the school yard. He wasn't mistaken, it was Momoshiro-senpai, who's overlooking the lake (just how big is their school?!)
Momoshiro was looking at the lake as if he's contemplating silently about what's happened lately. Momo-senpai stood there unmoving for a couple of minutes until he put one of his hand at the back of his head, a mannerism of the typical Momo-senpai whenever he's thinking about something.
Ryoma smiled when he saw Momoshiro's mannerism, it seems that Momoshiro would be able to cope with his defeat sooner or later. Suddenly, the rooftop door opened and there came Sakuno, Tomoka and one random classmate who told Ryoma it was duty today. At that Ryoma left the rooftop to attend to his school duties.
Oishi was getting worried for Momoshiro every single minute. He wasn't called the "Motherhen of Seigaku" for nothing! He went to Arai's classroom since he and Momoshiro were classmates, Oishi asked Arai if he's seen Momoshiro, but Arai hadn't seen him. Anyway, before Oishi could get away from the vicinity, he was glomped by several fangirls. ^_^
So the practice for that day started, as Ryoma walked towards the tennis courts, he was, once again, asked by the first years if he's worried about Momo-senpai and if he thinks that Momo-senpai would attend today's practice, but of course, Ryoma acted nonchalant once more.
Oishi was really out of it that day when he was practicing with Kawamura. Even if he's hitting Kawamura with intense shots, it seemed that Oishi's mind wasn't on the club. Inui commented about that to Fuji, who in turn, told Inui that he's probably stressed about Momoshiro.
Suddenly, it dawned to Fuji that it was Inui he's talking to and he's probably skimming for data, but before he could say anything else, Inui walked towards Ryoma whom he asked if he could practice with him. Fuji smiled when he saw this since probably, Inui was really excited to gather data about Ryoma's improvement.
Ryoma looked intensely at Inui-senpai before giving his affirmation about their match, although, he told Inui his condition before playing him. He told Inui that there wouldn't be any juice involved in the game. Inui was quickly disappointed because as we see on the screen capture, he's already holding one.
As Inui and Ryoma prepared to start their game, Kawamura was finished practicing with Oishi. Kawamura told Fuji that Oishi's really worried. Suddenly, Eiji came walking on the court, he seemed happy when he saw Inui playing Ryoma.
He commented at how strange Inui is for wearing his jersey when it was really hot outside. Then he turned to look for Momoshiro, who he noted quite disappointedly, was absent still. He commented that he really wanted to see Momoshiro wearing the ordinary jersey so he could make fun of him.
At that, Oishi snapped his head towards Eiji's direction, Oishi was shocked with what he's heard from Eiji. He immediately snapped at Eiji that he's being insensitive towards people's feelings. At this, every practice match everyone is having were stopped, everyone's attention were on the Golden Pair.
Eiji was also shocked from Oishi's sudden outburst. He walked towards him asking what's he doing to make him so snappy. But when Eiji reached Oishi, he couldn't help laughing out loud when he saw Oishi's shirt~ It was inside-out!
As Kikumaru bursts out laughing, Oishi seemed to blush lightly because of embarrassment to be caught by everyone wearing an inside-out shirt. Oishi out of embarrassment and anger, pushed Kikumaru quite strongly, sending Kikumaru flying (somewhat) few feet away.
Oishi was shocked with his attitude towards Kikumaru. Everyone was shocked still when they saw the usually calm Oishi get grumpy enough to shove Eiji away. Oishi quickly walked towards Kikumaru and held out his hand for him, but Eiji slapped his hand away, telling him that he's had enough of him!
Oishi was shocked with Kikumaru's attitude too. Eiji told everyone that from now on he doesn't want Oishi as a partner. EVER. He wouldn't be partnering with him since he's really angry with him. Now, that got everyone worried, Kantou tournament is just around the corner and now their number 1 doubles pair is mad at each other!
Kawamura tried to reason with Eiji, he told Kikumaru that they shouldn't get angry now that the tournament is quite near. Eiji told him that there's no combination between the two of them from then on. This angered Oishi and told Kawamura that he wouldn't be partnering a person who doesn't want him!
Anyway, out of the blue, Inui inserted himself to the conversation, saying that it's a good thing to change partners sometimes since you'll never know the chemistry someone has with another person. Suddenly, Kikumaru told everyone that his new doubles partner would be Ochibi (Ryoma).
Inui then appointed Kaido as Oishi's new doubles partner and that they'll be having a match against each other. Ryoma walked towards Eiji who glomped him happily as both Ryoma and Kaidoh sighed from their misfortune to be included at the Golden Pair's squabble.
Anyway, it seemed that both Ryoma and Kaidoh were planning on playing a lousy game that Kikumaru got angry at Ryoma for hitting such a lame shot but became ecstatic when Kaidoh hit a half-hearted Boomerang Snake which was called "Out".
Oishi got angry at Kikumaru for being that happy because of Kaidoh's lame shot and Kikumaru accused of Oishi being such a bitter opponent just because they've got a point. Suddenly, Tezuka appeared looking annoyed seeing the 2 players having a fight and ordered them 20 laps around the court.
Inui was quite ecstatic on one corner while looking at his notebook. Fuji asked Inui what he had discovered on the situation, but Inui just replied "Hi-Mi-Tsu" (secret!). Anyway, it seemed that Banji went to Coach Ryuzaki to ask permission if he could get Ryoma for their team.
This made Coach Ryuzaki annoyed, but Banji just told her that he's kidding. He went to gave her some booklets regarding Tennis abroad and that she should give those to Tezuka since he's got a great potential. Coach Ryuzaki agreed that he would let Tezuka know,
at that, Banji got out and told her that he's going to convince Akutsu to go back to their team. Meanwhile, Kikumaru and Oishi were running the laps without speaking to each other. What's Seigaku going to do when their Golden Pair's not really a pair anymore?