Episode 58: The Worst Compatability?!
Kaidoh was a bit pissed since Inui told him that they couldn't help but lose the first set. Kaidoh told Inui that he'll be playing like he wants and he wanted to shut the people up. Well, he was able to shut the people up since right after Hyoutei returned Inui's serve, he hit it with his Boomerang Snake.
Shishido and Ohtori were both shocked from that awesome return. Everyone has really shut up since they were in awe of Kaidoh's Boomerang Snake, even though it still landed on the Doubles Court, therefore, not yet complete. Inui was pleased to see that Kaidoh's using his entire arm to hit the shot and not only his wrist.
Inui contemplated for a while before walking towards Coach Ryuzaki's bench and removing his wristband which he threw towards the bench and made a real loud noise. The first years were surprised to know that even Inui's wrist bands contained some weights!
So it's still Inui's service play, he served again, this time Shishido wasn't able to return it because it was a high-speed serve which awed (once again) the audience. Kaidoh was equally surprised although he didn't show it, he just praised his senpai with a simple "nice serve". Inui smiled as he told Kaidoh that he also wanted to shut the people up.
So we will experience one flash back from Shishido. This time, they were on Hyoutei's tennis court. He was practicing with his partner, Ohtori. It was known that Ohtori's got the fastest shots in the tournament so Shishido asked him to hit him shots that were fast.
He asked Ohtori for fast serves while Shishido wasn't holding any racket, he's planning on catching those balls with his bare hands. This was supposed to improve his reflexes even more and improve his rising shot. Ohtori was about to give up since Shishido's clearly beaten up but Shishido wouldn't let him. Until he learned to catch Shishido's serves.
Thinking that he was able (after quite some time) to catch Ohtori's fast serves gave Shishido's a boost of confidence and he was able to return Inui's High Speed serves. Everyone was in awe (again) with Shishido's amazing dash speed. He appears to be almost teleporting to the place of the ball-impact.
Anyway, because of Shishido's amazing dash coupled with an amazing rising shot, Inui and Kaidoh couldn't do anything. Hyoutei's Doubles 1 is clearly dominating the game. Atobe even commented that Gakuto and Oshitari's pair lost to Ohtori and Shishido and that's saying something.
It was change court, Hyoutei was leading 4-0. Seigaku seemed to be in a pinch. Oishi commented that the Hyoutei's Doubles 1 pair got this amazing dependence to one another and that makes them an awesome Doubles pair. Momoshiro was annoyed with Kaidoh's behaviour and he told him so, making Kaidoh even more irritable.
Meanwhile, Yuuta and Yanagizawa were quite lost on the tournament grounds, they were looking for the place where Seigaku's matches were being played when Yuuta was tripped by something. That something turned out to be Hyoutei's Akutagawa Jirou who was sleeping on the ground.
Back to the game. Kaidoh was extremely pissed and because of this, he told Inui that he'll be playing on his own. In fact, he's planning on going solo while Inui just stood back and watched on the ongoing game. Everyone thought Kaidoh to be foolish since he couldn't win against Hyoutei's Doubles 1 all by himself.
It was finally 5-0 in favor of Hyoutei and another change court. Shishido commented that Kaidoh's already finished for this game. Inui just didn't minded that comment and concentrated on Kaidoh whom he asked if he's already finished. In turn, Kaidoh asked Inui, "Senpai, have you gathered all the data you needed?". Inui just gave an eerie smile and replied, "Yes. All of it".