Echizen Family
Nanjirou Echizen is Ryoma's father. Won 37 consecutive matches in America, should have been #1 in the world if he didn't retire that early. Also studied in Seishun Gakuen and been under the tutelage of Coach Sumire Ryuuzaki. Also known as The Legendary Samurai (since he apparently just disappeared into thin air and retired early) and Samurai from the Land of Sakura.
When he's still under Coach Ryuuzaki, he's terribly inadept with backhanded shots and the result of it was his discovery of his own Nitouryuu or the usage of both hands during the game, like, switching from left to right. He's a very skilled tennis player. He's also using different styles in tennis and different techniques although not much was shown in the anime.
He could also do Kunimitsu Tezuka's (Captain of Seigaku tennis team) technique, the Tezuka Zone as shown in the informal match with Inoue (magazine journalist). He could also play tennis with both of his eyes closed, this just goes to show what immense talent he has in playing tennis.
Rinko Takeuchi is Nanjirou's wife and a mother to Ryoma. Not much is known about her, but in the anime, she and Nanjirou met each other during Nanjirou's quest for his big dream in America. She's also a pretty decent and compassionate tennis player. When she appears on the anime, not her whole face was shown therefore we don't know what she looks like now, but judging from the pictures and her son, she's really pretty.
She immediately understood Nanjirou's decision to retire early and became very supportive of her husband.
Ryoma Echizen is the protagonist of the anime. Only 12 yrs old and already won 4 consecutive Junior Tennis Championships in America. Also called as the Prince of Tennis or Tennis no Oujisama. At first, his goal in playing tennis is to beat his father, but as the story progresses.......... we shall see. He has many techniques in playing tennis although the most famous are his Twist Serve, Split Step, Drive B, Drive A and Cyclone Smash. At one time he also used Stuttered Step.
He has a very sharp eyesight which enables him to see moving/fast objects quite clearly and that works as his advantage (and sometimes, disadvantage) in a tennis match. He could do almost all of his father's techniques such as Nitouryuu although his dominant hand is his left hand and playing while both eyes are closed. His favorite line in the anime is Mada Mada Dane or in english There're lots more to work on.
Nanako Meino or Nanako-chan as Nanjirou calls her is Ryoma's cousin (I think since she calls Rinko, "aunt"). She's already in college. Not much is known about her, she's more of a supportive character in the anime.
Karupin is Ryoma's beloved cat. Ryoma supposedly got her (him?) during their stay in America. She (He?) is very dear to Ryoma. The viewers will see just how much Karupin is dear to Ryoma during one of PoT's episodes. Karupin is also taken with Ryoma's senpai, Kaidoh.
Not only Karupin's very sweet but also has a very nice-sounding purr.